Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 3 - Rocking along!

Today was a wonderful day.

I awoke to find that I had lost another pound.  I'm at a pound a day. At this rate, I'll have disappeared by summer. :)

Today was 10am yoga, but I woke up really early and ready to go! I made my usual delicious morning "all things orange" juice and guzzled a lot of water....and then...  I actually took my time and pampered myself with a nice bubble bath, some silky lotion, put my hair in a cute knot on top of my head and headed out.

I found all of the women in my yoga class seemed to be feeling the same.  Refreshed, energized...or maybe it was just me?  Could it be?  Yoga was fabulous, as it always is...afterward, I found myself shopping for more things to toss into my juicer.

This little doozy is ...Cucumber, pear, granny smith apple, lime, and mint and it is wonderful!  I have found that adding a lime to my juice changes it up gives it a very crisp, fresh, clean taste.  I love. 

If you have come her to find recipes, I probably won't offer many, only suggestions...I look at recipes that way anyhow....Do what you feel that your body is craving.  That's how I'm doing this.  My body, my juice fast, my rules.  


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Orange You Glad You Started Juicing?

Isn't this gorgeous!?  I had this on day 1, and it was so good, I revisited it today.  This is a mixture of granny smith apples, carrots, oranges, strawberries, and cantaloupe.

Yesterday's juice included pineapple and I did like that one a little better, but this one is good, too.  

I'm fascinated, for some reason, with how these natural juices separate in a sheer matter of seconds:

...and it makes me wonder why grocery store juices do not.  Even "100% Juice" doesn't.  Why?

And..this juice just looks and tastes so very different.  It's very different.  Why?

Anyhow, I've lost 5lbs this week, so that's cool.  I'm hungry, yes, but this is surprisingly effective, and leaves me with no cravings for the things I usually crave, carbs, sweets, etc.  Not even coffee.  I don't feel deprived, I feel actually very ... efficient. Does that make sense?


Day One Complete!

First day: SUCCESS.  

This is a greenie that I made yesterday afternoon.  I added all things green...kale, spinach, granny smith apples, peel and grapes, some pineapple, and some kiwi.  This was DELICIOUS.

Yesterday morning, I had a great big orange juice, where I added everything orange.....sweet potato, carrots, cantaloupe, oranges..and that one was wonderful as well.  VERY thick,not quite as watery as the greenie above.

A week ago, I quit all things dairy / meat / eggs and as of today I'm down 5lbs.

Yoga yesterday went well...a  bit of cramping but I'm sure some of that was in my head, and more of that was my body just wondering what the hell is going on here.

Today's yoga is at 7pm (Restorative Yoga)'s the "dessert" of yoga to me...I think that it will certainly help to tell my body that all is well. We're ok.  Breathe.  

Monday, January 7, 2013

Juice Fast Day 1

So, it's still kind of day 1, you see, I've actually gone through about 4 days of prep. 

Today is Monday, January 7, and on Tuesday, January 1, I started my prep for my juice fast. 

Truly, this was not planned.  I had not been to yoga in nearly a month, I had eaten every batter-covered, dipped, dunked, salted, chocolated, frosted, sugared, and cream-cheesed, sprinkled, and / or baked, fried, or sauteed in butter food imaginable, and in great quantity and it was time for that insanity to come to a screeching HALT.

I felt tired, I had a cold / flu thing happening, I looked like death, was dragging and was just done. I've been a dieter my entire life.  I've lost over 100 lbs twice!  I know what I'm doing, even when I'm doing it wrong, but I have a food addiction.  My life has been pretty traumatic up until now, and food is my soothing medicine.  It is.

SO here we are. Now.  Over the past few days, I have cut all dairy, all meat, coffee, soda, I've barely eaten anything that was cooked. Fruits and vegetables with an occasional handful of walnuts. 

After a very busy month with my Etsy shop, I've gone back to my beloved yoga, I'm sleeping better and went through one hell of a detox which included a major 2 day headache, some tears, some insomnia, and today IS THE DAY.

I'll begin my juice fast on this day, step one to my new life.

Yesterday,  I bought this baby:

This is the Breville Fountain Plus...THEN...I went to my local grocery store and bought tons and tons of fruits and vegetables...we spent the afternoon and evening yesterday experimenting,

Kevin (husband) likes vegetable juices, those that taste like V-8 (tomatoes, celery, spinach, a bit of lemon, and some sea salt)...I like those too, but I love my fruity juice with some cuke.  YUM.

Today I will be 100 percent juicy.

My goal?  I want to lose some weight, I want to feel healthy, and emerge in the spring,,, a happier person...simple.

How LONG will I fast?  I don't know.  As long as it long as I want...So, for today, I will simply do my best.  

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 1. Kind of?

I'm Karen. 

This begins day one.  In 6 days, I will be 46 years old...Fourty SIXXXX years old.

This past spring, we moved to beautiful Grand Haven, Michigan....our dream destination.  We moved here to be nearer to our eldest daughter, and to start a new life for our son.  More about that later.

So, why did I think that this is all so important that I may want to begin blogging about it?   Because I'm about to do some fancy tricks, to be specific, I'm going to change my life. 

 If you would like to observe, cool. If you would like to join, even better....let's go.